Today was long!

I'm too tired to write, so I'll list out my activities in the order that they happened.

  1. Woke up
  2. Binge-watched the Periodic Table of Videos, upto 21 (Scandium)
  3. Ate breakfast
  4. Read 'The Drunkard's Walk' by Leonard Mlodinow
  5. Helped my sister with maths
  6. Ate lunch
  7. Went to the library
  8. Finished Mlodinow's book
  9. Did a chapter from Matt Parker's 4D book, with paper constructions of topological marvels
  10. Logged on to edX to start my MITx Calculus 1A course.
  11. Did 3 diagnostic tests. Got all 3 fully correct, although I did have to use a second attempt on one geometry question
  12. Came home and ate dinner
  13. Did the laundry
  14. Wrote a long blog post on Möbius loops and did a few more experiments
  15. Now I'm going to sleep. . . . . .


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